Excel window

The ribbon menu system is how user navigates through excel and accesses the various excel commands. At the bottom left area the spreadsheet user will find worksheet tabs by default three worksheet tabs appear each time user creative, a new workbook on the bottom right area of the spreadsheet three are page view commands, the Zoom tool and the Horizontal scroll bar.
A spreadsheet is computer applications. It displays data in multiple cells usually in a two dimensional matrix or grid consisting of rows and columns. Each cell contains alphanumeric text numeric clause or formulas. Spreadsheet are frequently used for financial information because of their ability to re calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single cell is made Micrsoft office excel 2007 is a spreadsheet programs
Microsoft excel Terminology
Spreadsheet is the generic terms for applications, such as excel that user can use to enter analyze, and calculate data. It perform mathematical calculations and projections based on data entered common spreadsheet use includes analyze charting, and budgeting.
A workbook is the excel file that stores users information. Each workbook may contain numerous workbooks.
A workbook is an electronic spreadsheet that lets users enter analyze, and calculate data within a workbook, worksheet can share information, and calculations pertaining to several worksheet can be performed at one time The default number of worksheet in a new workbook is three.
A cell is the intersection of a row and a column A cell can contain a label a numeric value or a formula.
A cell address is the location of a cell on a worksheet and is defined by the column letter and the row number for example, cell a is where column a and row l intersect.
Introductions to word Processor
Word processor or simply word is the most used typing software in the word nearly 500 million people use it for typing. Word has made typing very easy. Even a lay man can type in word program Typical feature of word includes font applications spell and grammar check it has applications it has a built in these and automatically text correction spell and grammar check options we can also add our personal words in its dictionary. These words will be saved as long as we don't install the new Windows Apart from typing we can do composing editing and formatting if we have typing skills we can get full use of the software it is also amazing that can save our text word emerged in 1970 typewriter were used for typing up that time only experts could do typing with typewriter a could only type and nothing else word has been improved so much up to now it has become such a user friendly software that typewriter have disappeared now.
Excel window Excel window Reviewed by Menapal.khostai on March 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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