Important of computer security
Security of- Computers i rapi dly'gaining'importance in to work's world where) almost eyery day'imp‘ortaht ConfidentiaI77on'lin'eiy ‘doCUments’ and, informatidh have the
possibility of? being stolen"fohline,’"Computer;security generally deals With processes,
by Which valuable’fdata can "be protected and preserved; inbOth their theOretical and
practical aspects. Computer Security was introduc‘ed'in the 1970's. The purpose of
, Computer Security is to secure a particular computer system from any kindof crime. Computer-Security, therefore, aims at seCuring data, keeping them intact and also
SpyWare are malicious programs that collect various types of perSOnal information
‘ such as Internet surfing habits and sitesthat have been‘visited by user also
interfere with users’ control of the computer. in other ways, Such. as installing additional software and redirecting Web browser activity. SpyWare have capabilities to Ch‘ahge‘computer settings,’ resulting in slow connectiOn speeds, different home pages,
Emor'loss of Internet connection or functionality of other programs.
u; fiwus WMW‘Q’TQ as syssfifsaseww , a
Excel includes a Protect Workbookand Protect Sheetcommands that prevents
others from creating new sheets or making changes to the layout of the worksheets in
a workbook. User oan assign a passwordto protect a workbooklor werksheet so that
only those Whoknowthe pas'sword can unprotect the workbook or worksheet and
make changes, ProteCting aworkbook does not prevent others from m-aking‘changesto the contents ofoell‘s. To protect cell contents, user muSt use the Protect Sheet
commandoutton on the Review tab.
_A spreadsheet is a computer. application It displays data in multiple eggs Usually in a MO'dimEHSicnalmatrix or grid consisting of rows and columns, Eachceu contains
7 alphanumeric; ten;numfificfvalqes orjqrmulas. Spreadshecats-Jaye;ififjéquenfly used for
finanéi‘ai" ihfor'mafidhf ‘bécétiééfi gf-of their“ ability to:”reec'eilc'im-aiéithé Jemnie sheet
1 automaticaily after a Change toa single Cell is made. Mi¢roébft0ffiee Excel 2007 is a 7 spreédsheetprogrgm
‘Right-clickffiurfme‘use and anénu-abpears.
ff ‘SelectDegete CfeI‘uVm-ns or Delete/Rows;Ti) fiesééze fimvgefiéfiemmes
55 "JW'hen a table is first-created; ell eelurhnshave equal Widths. If users need to adjusts 7 column widths, they__canido so using the Rulerfler the Ribbon
rating system manages different computer resources like CPU time, memory.and 1/0 devices. A process is a program in execution. In general, a process will certain resourcesto accomplish its task.These resources are allocated to the either when it is created, or while it is executing by the operating system. This cives ensuring that all the system resources receive sufficient processes time for ed functioning as well as‘making sure that the processer, is used to its optimum
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