Power point

Power point
Power point is one of the simplest computer programs to learn. It is the number 1 programs used for presentations worldwide. Anyone can create stunning presentations that look like they were designed by a professional power point presentations can be made like a photo album with sounds we can give sound effect to each slide in this way the slides will give different sounds when we play the show we can set each slide with a special style of transition in this way every new slide will appear on our computer screen in a different style we can save our presentations incds or DVD
Commercial companies prepare their presentation in card power point Beautiful charts and figures of the data of an organisation are prepared and presented in slide shows Big companies

it: integrated a Jack Kilby invented lC in
electronic circuits on one small plate. Kilby kept working on lC and improved it a lot. Teedy, a singlei IC had billions of transistors. Kilby won the Nobel
Prize on his invention in 2000. An lC is made of silicon. Silicon is made from sand. IC is also called a Chip. Noon chips are used in computers
mobile phones and many other devices.
Excel and Photoshop are typing programs.
Excel and Word are used in Photo shops.
Excel is used-for mathematical work.
We enter data in the cells of Word program.5 We can set borders around the cells in Excel.2 Early versions of Excel were fast.
To set up your email client correctly, you need: POPS Post Office
Protocol, version 3lserver address and SMTP Standard Mail Transfer
Protocol server address Your Internet service provider gives you this
information. Free web mail accounts, such as Hotmail or Yahoo, rely on an Internet connection and use an email clientthat appears in a web page.
An Email is the cheapest way to communicate tb our friends and
relatives. We type a message, connect to internet, type the Email
address of our relative and send it. lt is saved at the address of our
relative. When he opens his Email box there is our message which he
can open and read. He can give reply if he wants. It takes seconds to
reach a message from one Email address to another. We can save or get
the print out of an Email it we need Now days chatting on the intemet
has become more popular than Email. We can talk and see the picture of
each other through the internet. It is unbelievably cheap
Power point Power point Reviewed by Menapal.khostai on March 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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