Shutting Down your computer

Shutting Down your computer
You need to shut down windows before you turn off or restart your computer. That way you can be sure your work is a saved to your hard disk.
Click the start button and then click shut down or turn off computer.
Click yes If you forget to save changes to document windows prompts you to save changes Other wise click on turn off button in the appearing windows.
In all windows and even in windows 2000 and the things you have on your computer like your programs document and data files are all accessible from one place called my computer when you first start windows my computer is located at the upper left of your windows screen or desktop.
Double click my computer
Results a windows appears displaying several different picture called icons the content of the floppy disk in your computer inch drive if there is one The content of a floppy disk in your computer inch drive if there is one it is not use now a days the content of your computer hard disk the content of a compact disc in your computer CD ROM drive if there is one
Change the settings for your computer set up printer and view information about your printers and the document you print set up printer and view information a bout your printers and the document you print when you double click a disk drive icon in my computer a windows such as the following appears for example if you click drive
You double click these icons to see the content of the folder or the information in the file or to start a programs.
This section details some procedure for organizing the information on your computer so it is easier to work with the following procedures use my computer you can also use windows example to do these task
Shutting Down your computer Shutting Down your computer Reviewed by Menapal.khostai on April 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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