Microwave system

Microwave are radio waves that provides a high speed transmission. In Microwave transmission data is transmitted from one station contain an antenna. Transceiver transmitted & receiver and other equipment that are required for microwave communication. Microwave uses the line of sight transmission which means that in microwave transmission system the data signal travel in a straight path and connotations bend.
Microwave station or antennas are usually installed on the high towers or buildings.
Thus microwave station receiver signals from the previous stations in this way data is transmitted from one place to another shows Microwave transmission.
Infra red
Infrared technology allows computing devices to communicate via short ranges wireless signals.
With infrared, computer can transfer files and other digital data bills directionally files and other digital data bidirectionally. Computer infrared network adapter both transmitted and receive data it supports data rates from 100 kbps to 4 Mbps show infrared Communication.
Example of email between a notebook computer and a PDA personal Digital Assistance or Mobile phone
Sending commands signals via buttons from a remote control devices to a Television set etc
Transmitting images for a mobile phone to a printer
A communication satellites is a space station that receives microwave signals from earth based station.
Transmitting a signals from ground or earth station to a satellites station in space is called up linking and radio broadcast global positioning system and internet also use the communication satellites. The communication satellite is launched about 2230 miles or more above the earth into space. The communication satellite consists of solar powered from one earth station to the satellite. The satellites receiver and amplifies the signals and sends them to another earth station. This entire process takes only a few seconds. To communication information from one country to another country more than one satellite are required the data transmission speed of communication satellite is very high such as up to 1 Gbps shows Satellite transmission.
Microwave system Microwave system Reviewed by Menapal.khostai on March 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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