What is Router for computer

Router is intelligent device which routes data to
destination computers. it helps in connecting two different logical and physical networks together
Similarly, some routers also support wireless
communications, shows a Wireless Router. Switch is‘an important communication device. It is
used in networking - environment to connect computers to the same network. In the network
every computer has a unique address for
identification which is called MAC (Media Access Control) address. Switch uses MAC addressfiTof communication. It is also called" Hub or Access
Point. shows a Switch. b Baud rate
Baud is a unit of signaling speed. Baud rate is the amount of times
signal within a communication channel changes state. For example, a
means that it can change state a thousand times per second. In simple
rate is the speed at which data is transmitted. Baud rate is associated
digital televisions, telephones and other such devices. A higher baud V to send faster transmissions a. Data rate Data rate or bit rate is the speed at which binary digits (bits) would over communications path. It is expressed in "bits per second“ (bps). OR Bit rate is the measure of the number of data bits (Le. 0 s and 1 s) tra second in a'communication channel. For example 2400 bits per second
3 zeros or ones can be transmitted in one second. V1 Dalluwuu
Bandwidth is the information-carrying capability of a a
expressed in cyclcs per second Hertz or Hz Different
g different band widths for different purposes. Thereare three types
communication lines. They are
Voice band or low speed channels I Medium band or medium speed channels a l Broad band or high speed channel
SNR is actually the ratio of what iS wanted (Signal) to what is not wanted 4
x A high SNFi means the Signal IS less corrupted by nOIse; a low SNR m
is more corrupted by noise
What is Router for computer What is Router for computer Reviewed by Menapal.khostai on March 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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